who is that there, underneath the golden cloak? a lost baby-fairy stuck in a tree? a wee gnome on the look out? dandelion girl? just a girl sporting a newly finished mama-knitted creation? depending on which way the wind was blowing at
the park, it was any one of these at any given moment...
oh, the sweet new possibilities of a big, fun, drapey, hooded, woolen outer layer! a result more than i planned on when first cast on the yarn...
i picked this pattern up on my last trip to purl. i was looking for a new project. something somewhat simple but something not too advanced for me... something not too quick but something that wouldn't take me all winter... i asked the super skilled knitters there and right away they pulled this pattern for a child's poncho. it looked just right. perfect. just what i didn't know i was looking for. the hood could have been a challenge, but it was optional, as well as the drawstring.
as a knitting project, i loved this one. it felt like a great match for what i wanted to work on and i was really happy to be making something that i would get to see worn by my pint sized muse. simplicity. i didn't really expect anything much more, but margaret (and apparently all of her aliases) really has taken to this new cloak. part warm autumn wear, part play/dress-up. what more can there be? (maybe a little fringe perhaps but she's asked me to leave that off.) so i've put away the yarn, considered the knitting done and let the newly cloaked personas be...